:output terms and conditions

The open :output job board has been developed to connect talents in creative professions with practice. We aim to place students or recent graduates in a fair working sphere as interns or junior employees.

Job postings cost EUR 50 (for internship) and 75 EUR (for junior designers / junior architects) each.
19% VAT will be added to this amount (general VAT rate in Dutch turnover tax regime).
Payment is by credit card and through PAYPAL only.
The posting fee can be adjusted by the output foundation at any time.

A job posting will be online for 60 days.

By using the open output job board you agree to:
  1. follow the :output code of honor (see 'code of honor')
  2. not post advertisements of business, chain letters or pyramid schemes
  3. not post advertisements for multiple openings or positions. Each job posting is intended for a single job or project.
  4. not post advertisements that point to spec work, contests or other opportunities to solicit customized, unpaid creative work from creative professionals.

All job postings will be going through an approval process by the :output foundation.
Any postings violating the terms above may be edited or removed by the output foundation without any refund.
The :output foundation is not responsible for either the amount of viewers or the quality of the application letters the employer receives.

This version is a BETA version of the :output job board.
The :output job board is a part of the open:output platform.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 2011